

合作作者[TOP 5]



    内部: 21
    外部: 6894
    国内: 6076
    国外: 839


    内部: 0
    外部: 645
    国内: 614
    国外: 31


    内部: 0
    外部: 88
    国内: 83
    国外: 5



1. Framework and practice of integrated coastal zone management in Sh.. [1426]
2. 海岸带城镇空间扩展情景模拟及其生态风险评价       [1280]
3. 基于土地利用变化的烟台市非点源污染差异性分析       [1114]
4. 环渤海地区工业废水石油类排放特征分析 [1087]
5. Succession in soil and vegetation caused by coastal embankment in .. [953]
6. 我国海洋牧场开发的相关问题探讨 [921]
7. Nonstationary modeling of extreme precipitation in China [848]
8. 大陆海岸自然岸线保护与管理对策探析——以山东省为例 [808]
9. 莱州湾海域空间开发利用现状评价 [752]
10. Seasonal changes in soil TN and SOC in a seawall-reclaimed marsh i.. [712]
11. 烟台市城镇空间扩展及区域景观生态风险 [683]
12. 基于OLI影像的环渤海湾不透水面提取及空间格局分析 [681]
13. 山东省工业废水中石油类污染物排放特征及减排潜力分析 [647]
14. Comparison of surface water extraction performances of different c.. [645]
15. Graphene quantum dots combined with copper(II) ions as a fluoresce.. [640]
16. Normal and Extreme Wind Conditions for Power at Coastal Locations .. [557]
17. 1974-2017年山东省大陆海岸围填海动态变化分析 [541]
18. A comprehensive model of vessel anchoring pressure based on machin.. [528]
19. An index system constructed for ecological stress assessment of th.. [510]
20. 基于GIS和AIS的渤海海上船舶活动时空特征分析 [481]
21. 基于船载无人机的绿潮漂移速度估算与分析 [473]
22. 基于AIS和多尺度空间模型的船舶活动时空特征及潜在压力 [457]
23. Assembly of plant communities in coastal wetlands-the role of salt.. [452]
24. 海域使用活动对海湾生态环境的压力评估——以莱州湾为例 [423]
25. 我国县级海域使用规划理论技术框架探讨 [397]
26. 黄河三角洲人类干扰活动强度变化及其景观格局响应 [397]
27. Spatiotemporal variability of temperature and precipitation in Gan.. [330]
28. Assessment of ecological stress caused by maritime vessels based o.. [324]
29. Mapping coastal fishing grounds and assessing the effectiveness of.. [248]
30. An improved method of assessing marine utilization impact to descr.. [201]
31. Identifying the key factors influencing spatial and temporal varia.. [99]
32. Identifying Key Factors Influencing Regional Fishing Footprints in.. [80]
33. 基于AIS的海上渔船捕捞活动聚集区提取方法研究 [54]
34. 黄河三角洲地区沿海养殖池塘空间演变阶段性划分及特征分析 [45]
35. 基于适宜性和生态网络的沿海滩涂农渔业利用空间优化 [41]
36. 黄河三角洲区域海水养殖时空演变及其对滩涂湿地资源的影响 [39]
37. 基于AIS的渤海及其邻近海域捕捞活动聚集区时空特征分析 [29]


1. Framework and practice of integrated coastal zone management in Sh.. [535]
2. Nonstationary modeling of extreme precipitation in China [393]
3. 大陆海岸自然岸线保护与管理对策探析——以山东省为例 [393]
4. 海岸带城镇空间扩展情景模拟及其生态风险评价       [362]
5. 我国海洋牧场开发的相关问题探讨 [350]
6. 山东省工业废水中石油类污染物排放特征及减排潜力分析 [346]
7. 莱州湾海域空间开发利用现状评价 [337]
8. 环渤海地区工业废水石油类排放特征分析 [305]
9. Graphene quantum dots combined with copper(II) ions as a fluoresce.. [302]
10. Seasonal changes in soil TN and SOC in a seawall-reclaimed marsh i.. [300]
11. 基于土地利用变化的烟台市非点源污染差异性分析       [298]
12. Succession in soil and vegetation caused by coastal embankment in .. [283]
13. 烟台市城镇空间扩展及区域景观生态风险 [281]
14. 1974-2017年山东省大陆海岸围填海动态变化分析 [278]
15. 基于OLI影像的环渤海湾不透水面提取及空间格局分析 [264]
16. An index system constructed for ecological stress assessment of th.. [262]
17. Normal and Extreme Wind Conditions for Power at Coastal Locations .. [241]
18. Comparison of surface water extraction performances of different c.. [226]
19. A comprehensive model of vessel anchoring pressure based on machin.. [213]
20. Assembly of plant communities in coastal wetlands-the role of salt.. [194]
21. 基于AIS和多尺度空间模型的船舶活动时空特征及潜在压力 [194]
22. 基于船载无人机的绿潮漂移速度估算与分析 [192]
23. 海域使用活动对海湾生态环境的压力评估——以莱州湾为例 [190]
24. 基于GIS和AIS的渤海海上船舶活动时空特征分析 [159]
25. 黄河三角洲人类干扰活动强度变化及其景观格局响应 [154]
26. 我国县级海域使用规划理论技术框架探讨 [107]
27. Assessment of ecological stress caused by maritime vessels based o.. [65]