

合作作者[TOP 5]



    内部: 22
    外部: 8267
    国内: 6913
    国外: 1376


    内部: 1
    外部: 897
    国内: 828
    国外: 70


    内部: 0
    外部: 23
    国内: 23
    国外: 0



1. Willingness to pay among households to prevent coastal resources f.. [1589]
2. Observation of the Penglai 19-3 oil leak and its impact on the sea.. [1479]
3. The economy of oil spills: Direct and indirect costs as a function.. [1325]
4. Integrated modeling of oil spill response strategies: a coastal ma.. [1325]
5. Source diagnostic and weathering indicators of oil spills utilizin.. [1323]
6. Managing coastal area resources by stated choice experiments [1205]
7. Characteristics of the Bohai Sea oil spill and its impact on the B.. [1178]
8. QSAR studies on the depuration rates of polycyclic aromatic hydroc.. [1171]
9. Assessing oil spill risk in the Chinese Bohai Sea: A case study fo.. [958]
10. Distribution and Diversity of Coliform Bacteria in Estuary of Jiah.. [942]
11. GIS 空间分析支持下渤海近岸海域海洋功能区划 [887]
12. Assessing pollution-related effects of oil spills from ships in th.. [860]
13. Modelling of oil spill trajectory for 2011 Penglai 19-3 coastal dr.. [855]
14. A physical-based atmospheric correction algorithm of unmanned aeri.. [817]
15. Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Oil Spills in the Bohai Se.. [813]
16. Public Attitudes on Funding Oil Pollution Cleanup in the Chinese B.. [801]
17. Repair wind field in oil contaminated areas with SAR images [793]
18. Estimating the economic damages from the Penglai 19-3 oil spill to.. [770]
19. 水动力模式在溢油研究中的应用 [765]
20. 渤海海域船舶溢油事故风险评价 [765]
21. Evaluation of MLSR and PLSR for estimating soil element contents u.. [761]
22. 海上油膜及浒苔的遥感提取 [738]
23. Remote-sensing estimation of dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentr.. [733]
24. Risk of Surface Sediment Erosion in the Bohai Sea, North Yellow Se.. [679]
25. Revealing the diversity and quantity of peritrich ciliates in envi.. [661]
26. 北部湾南部重力柱状样的MSCL地声学性质测量及分析 [645]
27. Repair Wind Field of Oil Spill Regional Using SAR Data [630]
28. Copper Sorption and Transport in an Acidic Brown Soil [624]
29. The features and mechanisms of the North Shandong Coastal Current:.. [621]
30. A comprehensive model of vessel anchoring pressure based on machin.. [617]
31. Housing renewal policies, house prices and urban competitiveness [594]
32. Comparing cost-effectiveness of paddy fields and seawalls for coas.. [584]
33. Variations and evolution of polyubiquitin genes from ciliates. [578]
34. Assessing response capabilities for responding to ship-related oil.. [577]
35. Are oil spills enhancing outbreaks of red tides in the Chinese coa.. [574]
36. Temporal-spatial characteristics of storm surges and rough seas in.. [556]
37. 基于FerryBox 的渤海海峡水质低成本长期自动监测 [550]
38. 蓬莱19-3平台溢油事故对渤海大型底栖生物群落结构的长期影响 [548]
39. 渤海海域油类、类油类危险品船舶避难地选取策略研究 [541]
40. Remote sensing estimation of carbon fractions in the Chinese Yello.. [520]
41. Determination of refuge places for oil tankers in emergencies in t.. [507]
42. 基于FerryBox系统的渤海海峡表层海水水质及溢油监测 [489]
43. 基于层次分析法的莱州湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼评估 [488]
44. 山东半岛北部海洋动力环境的高频地波雷达观测 [479]
45. Spatial Analysis on Future Housing Markets: Economic Development a.. [473]
46. Spatio-temporal variation of subtidal macrobenthic fauna and the e.. [400]
47. Assessment of ecological stress caused by maritime vessels based o.. [400]
48. Rice paddy fields’ hidden value for typhoon protection in coastal.. [393]
49. Assessing resource sensitivity to oil spill pollution in China's c.. [387]
50. Retrieval of remotely sensed sea surface salinity using MODIS data.. [378]
51. Temperature and salinity effects in modeling the trajectory of the.. [370]
52. The value of China's coastal wetlands and seawalls for storm prote.. [322]
53. [321]
54. The Red Tide Organism Chaetoceros sp. Responding to Exposure to Oi.. [316]
55. Is China's coastal engineered defences valuable for storm protecti.. [297]
56. An improved method of assessing marine utilization impact to descr.. [259]
57. 基于混合像元分解的 珠江口西岸养殖池塘遥感(1990—2021 年) [255]
58. [223]
59. Tar ball pollution under the influence of ocean circulation in the.. [192]
60. Effects of suspended particles and dispersants on marine oil snow .. [163]
61. Spatial-temporal variation of marine fishing activities responding.. [107]
62. 一种面向大型油轮的避难地选取方法 [75]
63. From dynamics to sustainability: Modeling the shrimp (Penaeus [48]
64. 基于FerryBox的渤海海峡水质低成本长期自动监测 [41]


1. Willingness to pay among households to prevent coastal resources f.. [590]
2. The economy of oil spills: Direct and indirect costs as a function.. [462]
3. Integrated modeling of oil spill response strategies: a coastal ma.. [462]
4. Assessing oil spill risk in the Chinese Bohai Sea: A case study fo.. [454]
5. Assessing pollution-related effects of oil spills from ships in th.. [416]
6. A physical-based atmospheric correction algorithm of unmanned aeri.. [407]
7. Observation of the Penglai 19-3 oil leak and its impact on the sea.. [395]
8. Public Attitudes on Funding Oil Pollution Cleanup in the Chinese B.. [388]
9. QSAR studies on the depuration rates of polycyclic aromatic hydroc.. [376]
10. Source diagnostic and weathering indicators of oil spills utilizin.. [363]
11. Modelling of oil spill trajectory for 2011 Penglai 19-3 coastal dr.. [363]
12. 水动力模式在溢油研究中的应用 [355]
13. Remote-sensing estimation of dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentr.. [348]
14. Managing coastal area resources by stated choice experiments [345]
15. Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Oil Spills in the Bohai Se.. [345]
16. Evaluation of MLSR and PLSR for estimating soil element contents u.. [340]
17. Estimating the economic damages from the Penglai 19-3 oil spill to.. [337]
18. Characteristics of the Bohai Sea oil spill and its impact on the B.. [327]
19. Assessing response capabilities for responding to ship-related oil.. [324]
20. 渤海海域船舶溢油事故风险评价 [306]
21. Repair wind field in oil contaminated areas with SAR images [294]
22. 海上油膜及浒苔的遥感提取 [290]
23. Housing renewal policies, house prices and urban competitiveness [287]
24. Copper Sorption and Transport in an Acidic Brown Soil [281]
25. GIS 空间分析支持下渤海近岸海域海洋功能区划 [258]
26. Risk of Surface Sediment Erosion in the Bohai Sea, North Yellow Se.. [257]
27. Repair Wind Field of Oil Spill Regional Using SAR Data [257]
28. 渤海海域油类、类油类危险品船舶避难地选取策略研究 [257]
29. 基于FerryBox 的渤海海峡水质低成本长期自动监测 [249]
30. 北部湾南部重力柱状样的MSCL地声学性质测量及分析 [234]
31. Distribution and Diversity of Coliform Bacteria in Estuary of Jiah.. [232]
32. A comprehensive model of vessel anchoring pressure based on machin.. [231]
33. Temporal-spatial characteristics of storm surges and rough seas in.. [225]
34. 基于层次分析法的莱州湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼评估 [215]
35. 基于FerryBox系统的渤海海峡表层海水水质及溢油监测 [209]
36. Are oil spills enhancing outbreaks of red tides in the Chinese coa.. [209]
37. Comparing cost-effectiveness of paddy fields and seawalls for coas.. [199]
38. 山东半岛北部海洋动力环境的高频地波雷达观测 [172]
39. 蓬莱19-3平台溢油事故对渤海大型底栖生物群落结构的长期影响 [152]
40. Revealing the diversity and quantity of peritrich ciliates in envi.. [148]
41. The features and mechanisms of the North Shandong Coastal Current:.. [141]
42. Spatial Analysis on Future Housing Markets: Economic Development a.. [128]
43. Variations and evolution of polyubiquitin genes from ciliates. [113]
44. Determination of refuge places for oil tankers in emergencies in t.. [75]
45. Assessment of ecological stress caused by maritime vessels based o.. [75]
46. The Red Tide Organism Chaetoceros sp. Responding to Exposure to Oi.. [60]
47. Spatio-temporal variation of subtidal macrobenthic fauna and the e.. [54]
48. Rice paddy fields’ hidden value for typhoon protection in coastal.. [53]
49. The value of China's coastal wetlands and seawalls for storm prote.. [52]
50. Assessing resource sensitivity to oil spill pollution in China's c.. [42]
51. Tar ball pollution under the influence of ocean circulation in the.. [42]
52. [13]
53. Is China's coastal engineered defences valuable for storm protecti.. [1]
54. 基于混合像元分解的 珠江口西岸养殖池塘遥感(1990—2021 年) [1]