

合作作者[TOP 5]



    内部: 31
    外部: 5721
    国内: 4982
    国外: 770


    内部: 1
    外部: 1022
    国内: 961
    国外: 62


    内部: 0
    外部: 18
    国内: 18
    国外: 0



1. 渤海底层低氧区的空间特征与形成机制 [1464]
2. Environmental status of Daya Bay surface sediments inferred from a.. [1340]
3. Sedimentary development of the Pearl River Estuary based on seismi.. [1220]
4. Surface Sediments of the Pearl River Estuary (South China Sea) - S.. [963]
5. Variability of Yellow River turbid plume detected with satellite r.. [865]
6. Assessing pollution-related effects of oil spills from ships in th.. [860]
7. Acoustic mapping and classification of benthic habitat using unsup.. [860]
8. Modelling of oil spill trajectory for 2011 Penglai 19-3 coastal dr.. [855]
9. 人工鱼礁研究现状及未来展望 [834]
10. Public Attitudes on Funding Oil Pollution Cleanup in the Chinese B.. [801]
11. Suspended Particle Size Retrieval Based on Geostationary Ocean Col.. [792]
12. Ancient geomorphological features in shallows of the Venice Lagoon.. [777]
13. 水动力模式在溢油研究中的应用 [765]
14. Multigene Assessment of Biodiversity of Diatom(Bacillariophyceae) .. [758]
15. 基于GeoServer海底数据RIA WebGIS系统设计与建立 [750]
16. Influence of Rising Sea Level on Tidal Dynamics in the Bohai Sea [723]
17. Risk of Surface Sediment Erosion in the Bohai Sea, North Yellow Se.. [679]
18. 北部湾南部重力柱状样的MSCL地声学性质测量及分析 [645]
19. Trapping of plastics in semi-enclosed seas: Insights from the Boha.. [611]
20. Utilizing benthic foraminifera to explore the environmental condit.. [580]
21. 基于ECharts的FerryBox水文数据可视化研究 [563]
22. 烟台海岸带微塑料的污染特征研究 [559]
23. 基于FerryBox 的渤海海峡水质低成本长期自动监测 [550]
24. Rapid Morphological Changes Caused by Intensive Coastal Developmen.. [548]
25. 渤海海域油类、类油类危险品船舶避难地选取策略研究 [541]
26. Morphological changes in the Qinzhou Bay, Southwest China [525]
27. Aquaculture-induced boundary circulation and its impact on coastal.. [521]
28. Determination of refuge places for oil tankers in emergencies in t.. [507]
29. 基于FerryBox系统的渤海海峡表层海水水质及溢油监测 [489]
30. 山东半岛北部海洋动力环境的高频地波雷达观测 [479]
31. Multigene Assessment of Biodiversity of Diatom(Bacillariophyceae) .. [458]
32. 论探地雷达技术在海岸带调查中的应用 [453]
33. The Red Tide Organism Chaetoceros sp. Responding to Exposure to Oi.. [316]
34. 复杂地形下降水的高空间分辨率插值方法研究 [313]
35. 基于多波束声呐的人工鱼礁区地形特征分析 [309]
36. Morpho-Sedimentary Constraints in the Groundwater Dynamics of Low-.. [300]
37. Emerging signals of coastal system changes under rapid anthropogen.. [297]
38. Coastline Monitoring and Prediction Based on Long-Term Remote Sens.. [195]
39. Effects of suspended particles and dispersants on marine oil snow .. [163]
40. Spatial Differentiation Assessment of the Vulnerability of Marine .. [119]
41. Assessment of surface current measured by HF radars within a suspe.. [118]
42. Biogeochemical Characteristics of Sedimentary Organic Matter in Co.. [89]
43. 近海人工鱼礁水下物理状态探测与评估 [82]
44. 基于FerryBox的渤海海峡水质低成本长期自动监测 [41]


1. 渤海底层低氧区的空间特征与形成机制 [638]
2. Acoustic mapping and classification of benthic habitat using unsup.. [436]
3. Assessing pollution-related effects of oil spills from ships in th.. [416]
4. Variability of Yellow River turbid plume detected with satellite r.. [398]
5. 人工鱼礁研究现状及未来展望 [395]
6. Environmental status of Daya Bay surface sediments inferred from a.. [391]
7. Public Attitudes on Funding Oil Pollution Cleanup in the Chinese B.. [388]
8. Sedimentary development of the Pearl River Estuary based on seismi.. [365]
9. Modelling of oil spill trajectory for 2011 Penglai 19-3 coastal dr.. [363]
10. 水动力模式在溢油研究中的应用 [355]
11. 基于GeoServer海底数据RIA WebGIS系统设计与建立 [335]
12. Suspended Particle Size Retrieval Based on Geostationary Ocean Col.. [319]
13. Surface Sediments of the Pearl River Estuary (South China Sea) - S.. [306]
14. Influence of Rising Sea Level on Tidal Dynamics in the Bohai Sea [300]
15. Trapping of plastics in semi-enclosed seas: Insights from the Boha.. [279]
16. Utilizing benthic foraminifera to explore the environmental condit.. [266]
17. Rapid Morphological Changes Caused by Intensive Coastal Developmen.. [262]
18. Risk of Surface Sediment Erosion in the Bohai Sea, North Yellow Se.. [257]
19. 渤海海域油类、类油类危险品船舶避难地选取策略研究 [257]
20. 烟台海岸带微塑料的污染特征研究 [257]
21. 基于FerryBox 的渤海海峡水质低成本长期自动监测 [249]
22. Morphological changes in the Qinzhou Bay, Southwest China [242]
23. 北部湾南部重力柱状样的MSCL地声学性质测量及分析 [234]
24. 基于ECharts的FerryBox水文数据可视化研究 [226]
25. 基于FerryBox系统的渤海海峡表层海水水质及溢油监测 [209]
26. Aquaculture-induced boundary circulation and its impact on coastal.. [181]
27. 论探地雷达技术在海岸带调查中的应用 [180]
28. 山东半岛北部海洋动力环境的高频地波雷达观测 [172]
29. Multigene Assessment of Biodiversity of Diatom(Bacillariophyceae) .. [148]
30. Ancient geomorphological features in shallows of the Venice Lagoon.. [136]
31. 复杂地形下降水的高空间分辨率插值方法研究 [84]
32. Emerging signals of coastal system changes under rapid anthropogen.. [82]
33. Morpho-Sedimentary Constraints in the Groundwater Dynamics of Low-.. [78]
34. Determination of refuge places for oil tankers in emergencies in t.. [75]
35. Multigene Assessment of Biodiversity of Diatom(Bacillariophyceae) .. [69]
36. The Red Tide Organism Chaetoceros sp. Responding to Exposure to Oi.. [60]
37. 基于多波束声呐的人工鱼礁区地形特征分析 [48]