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导电材料对产甲烷菌与地杆菌生理活性的影响及机制 学位论文
博士研究生, 北京: 中国科学院研究生院, 2019
作者:  李佳佳
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水母暴发对海洋水产养殖业的影响研究进展 期刊论文
海岸科学, 2019, 卷号: 6, 期号: 1, 页码: 1-8
作者:  王雷;  彭赛君;  王富浩;  孙婷婷;  董志军
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水母暴发  水产养殖业  水母灾害  防控  
黄渤海海草分布区日本鳗草根际微生物群落结构特征及其功能分析 期刊论文
微生物学报, 2019, 卷号: 59, 期号: 8, 页码: 1484-1499
作者:  刘鹏远;  张海坤;  陈琳;  孙延瑜;  王彩霞;  宋虹;  胡晓珂
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黄渤海  海草床  根际  微生物群落  多样性  Yellow Sea And Bohai Sea  Seagrass Bed  Rhizosphere  Microbial Community  Diversity  
海洋微塑料输运的数值模拟研究进展 期刊论文
地球科学进展, 2019, 卷号: 34, 期号: 1, 页码: 72-83
作者:  张晨;  王清;  赵建民
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微塑料  数值模拟  输运  海洋动力过程  Microplastics  Numerical Simulation  Transportation Of Microplastics  Marine Dynamic Process  
山东东营和烟台潮间带海草床食物网结构特征研究 期刊论文
生物多样性, 2019, 卷号: 27, 期号: 9, 页码: 984-992
作者:  宋博;  陈琳琳;  闫郎;  姜少玉;  刘春云;  李秉钧;  李宝泉
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烟台牟平海洋牧场季节性低氧对大型底栖动物群落的生态效应 期刊论文
生物多样性, 2019, 卷号: 27, 期号: 2, 页码: 200-210
作者:  李宝泉
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低氧  群落结构  群落恢复  敏感种  机会种  hypoxia  community structure  community recovery  sensitive species  opportunistic species  Hypoxia is a common phenomenon in the world's oceans, especially in the shallow waters of coastal zones. Rates of hypoxia are increasing due to global climatic changes and anthropogenic activities. Hypoxia can cause mass mortality of marine animals and can have severe negative impacts on marine ecosystems. To better understand the effects of hypoxia on macrobenthic communities, a survey was carried out in the Muping Marine Ranch (Yantai) during June, August and September of 2016. Results showed that seasonal hypoxia led to changes in benthic community structure, especially in terms of species composition and dominant species. The dominant species were Polychaeta Lumbrinereis latreilli, Sternaspis scutata and Mollusca Endopleura lubrica in summer. The opportunistic species Lumbrinereis latreilli increased, whereas, sensitive species such as Leptomya minuta, Glycera chirori, Upogebia major, Pontocrates altamarimus, Eriopisella sechellensis decreased during the hypoxic period of August. Hypoxia also reduced biodiversity indices. The effect of hypoxia on abundance and biomass were not significant, mainly because of the increase in the opportunistic Lumbrinereis latreilli, which counteracted the decline in abundance and biomass of other species. Individual physiological tolerance to hypoxia was different among species. Lumbrinereis latreilli showed higher tolerance to hypoxia in dissolved oxygen (DO) = 1.0 mg/L compared to other species. Some sensitive species, such as Leptomya minuta, Upogebia major, Pontocrates altamarimus and Eriopisella sechellensis showed lower tolerance when DO < 2.5 mg/L. When DO increased to 2.5 mg/L, the macrobenthic community start to recover gradually. The recovery extent and time needed were closely related to the degree of seasonal hypoxia.