

合作作者[TOP 5]

所在部门: 海岸带生物学与生物资源利用重点实验室
研究方向: 微生物胞外电子传递机制 微生物燃料电池 微生物电合成
联系邮箱: fhliu@yic.ac.cn
备注: --


    刘芳华,  中国科学院烟台海岸带所研究员,博士生导师,“电微生物”团队负责人。2016年山东省杰青,是德国马普学会奖学金获得者,烟台市“双百计划”第二层次高端创新人才,现任山东微生物学会理事,2015和2016年连续两年入选国家优青候选人,多年从事新型微生物资源开发与温室气体循环利用方面的研究工作,在德国马普陆地微生物研究所(Ralf Conrad)深造,在微生物介导的碳循环方面取得了创新性的成果。H影响因子为14,发表SCI论文22篇,其中第一作者论文6篇, 通讯作者论文4篇,最高单篇影响因子达到25.427 (Energy & Environmental Science),SCI总引563次,其中第一作者论文SCI他引169次,单篇最高SCI引用64次。
  (1)土壤生物与元素循环 Soil Organisms and Element Cycle 土壤碳循环  soil carbon cycle  产甲烷古菌 methanogenic archaea  铁循环细菌 bacteria related to iron cycle  耦合机制  coupling mechanism  全球变化  global change
(2) 土壤生物与矿物相互作用 Soil Bio-mineral Interaction 微生物细胞 microbial cell 电子转移 electron transfer 电子传递 electron transport 电子穿梭体 electron shuttle 生物矿化 biological mineralization 




(1) 发现土壤和沉积物中广泛存在的纳米磁铁矿具有促进微生物种间直接电子传递的功能。从分子层面揭示了纳米磁铁矿能够补偿一种关键的c型细胞色素的电子传递能力。迄今为止,这是无机矿物以类似于生物内源细胞色素的功能促进微生物电子传递的第一份证据。

该工作为从微观分子视角揭示宏观的地球化学循环等重要过程提供了新的认识,为进一步了解并利用土壤矿物的环境效应,加快有机污染物的转化和降解提供了理论依据(图1)。该工作已经于2015年发表在Environmental Microbiology (IF=5.932)杂志上(Liu et al., 2015)。该成果与先前的研究成果一并被Frontiers in Microbiology杂志中的综述文章列为目前已知的微生物种间电子传递过程五大机制中的两种(Shrestha & Rotaru, 2014, 图2)。

图1. 成果一研究内容示意图

图2. 成果一对微生物种间电子传递研究的贡献

(2) 发现新的产甲烷古菌Methanosarcina mazei也能够与属于Geobacteraceae的细菌一起形成进行种间直接电子传递所必须的团聚体结构,暗示其存在种间直接电子传递的可能(Zheng et al., 2015, 图3)。该成果于2015年已经发表在Frontiers in Microbiology杂志上 (IF=4.165)。

图3. 成果二研究内容示意图

图4. 海岸带电微生物团队科研战略布局图

1. Ying Li, Shiling Zheng, Hongxia Zhang, Bingchen Wang Oumei Wang*, Fanghua Liu*. Potential direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) from Clostridium spp. to Methanosarcina barkeri in a methanogenic isolation. Microbiology China. DOI: 10.13344/j.microbiol.china.160218. (In press)
2. Lei Chen, Hongxia Zhang, Ying Li, Shiling Zheng, Fanghua Liu*.The role of microorganisms in the geochemical iron cycle. Science China. 2016, 46(9): 1069-1078.
3. Cuiyun Yang, Shengtao Fang, Dehui Chen, Jianhua Wang, Fanghua Liu*, Chuanhai Xia*. The possible role of bacterial signal molecules N-acyl homoserine lactones in the formation of diatom-biofilm (Cylindrotheca sp.). Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2016, 107(1):118–124. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.04.010. (Impact Factor=3.099)
4. Shiling Zheng, Hongxia Zhang, Ying Li, Hua Zhang, Oumei Wang*, Jun Zhang, Fanghua Liu*. Co-occurrence of Methanosarcina mazei and Geobacteraceae in an iron(III)-reducing enrichment culture. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2015, 6:941. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00941 (Impact Factor=4.165)
*:corresponding author.
5. Fanghua Liu*, Amelia-Elena Rotaru, Pravin Malla Shrestha, Nikhil S. Malvankar, Kelly P. Nevin, Derek R. Lovley. Magnetite Compensates for the Lack of a c-Type Cytochrome in Extracellular Electron Exchange. Environmental Microbiology. 2015. 17: 648–655. (Impact Factor=5.932) (Times Cited: 20)
*:corresponding author.
6. Fanghua Liu*, Amelia-Elena Rotaru, Pravin Malla Shrestha, Nikhil S. Malvankar, Kelly P. Nevin, Derek R. Lovley. Promoting direct interspecies electron transfer with activated carbon. Energy & Environmental Science. 2012, 5: 8982-8989. (Impact Factor=25.427) (Times Cited: 73)
  *:corresponding author.
7. Fanghua Liu, Ralf Conrad. Chemolithotrophic acetogenic H2/CO2 utilization in Italian rice field soil. The ISME Journal. 2011, 5: 1526-1539. (Impact Factor=9.328) (Times Cited: 10)
8. Fanghua Liu and Ralf Conrad. Thermoanaerobacteriaceae oxidize acetate in methanogenic rice field soil at 50ºC. Environmental Microbiology. 2010, 12: 2341–2354. (Impact Factor=5.932) (Times Cited: 23)
9. Fanghua Liu*, Sibao Wang*, Jianshe Zhang, Jun Zhang, Xing Yan, Haokui Zhou, Guoping Zhao, Zhihua Zhou. The structure of the bacterial and archaeal community in a biogas digester as revealed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and 16S rDNA sequencing analysis. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2009, 106(3):1022-1032. (Impact Factor=2. 156)
  *:These authors have contributed equally to this work.  (Times Cited: 65)
10. Fanghua Liu, Guofang Lin, Guang Gao, Boqiang Qin, Jianshe Zhang, Guoping Zhao, Zhihua Zhou, Jianhua Shen. Bacterial and archaeal assemblages in sediments of a large shallow freshwater lake, Lake Taihu, as revealed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2009, 106(3):952-966. (Impact Factor=2.156)  (Times Cited: 19)