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Interspecies Electron Transfer via Hydrogen and Formate Rather than Direct Electrical Connections in Cocultures of Pelobacter carbinolicus and Geobacter sulfurreducens 共享期刊论文
Rotaru, Amelia-Elena; Shrestha, Pravin M.; Liu, Fanghua; Ueki, Toshiyuki; Nevin, Kelly; Summers, Zarath M.; Lovley, Derek R.
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Anaerobic-bacteria  Gene-expression  Oxide Reduction  Fe(Iii)  Acetate  Metabolism  Butyrate  Genome  Environments  Respiration  
Promoting direct interspecies electron transfer with activated carbon 共享期刊论文
Liu, Fanghua; Rotaru, Amelia-Elena; Shrestha, Pravin M.; Malvankar, Nikhil S.; Nevin, Kelly P.; Lovley, Derek R.
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Waste-water Treatment  Microbial Fuel-cells  Geobacter-sulfurreducens  Anaerobic Respiration  Bacterial Communities  Genetic System  Fe(Iii) Oxide  Double-layer  Sp-nov  Reduction  
Chemolithotrophic acetogenic H-2/CO2 utilization in Italian rice field soil 共享期刊论文
Liu, Fanghua; Conrad, Ralf
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Anaerobic-bacteria  Methanogenic Archaea  Sp-nov  Homoacetogenic Bacterium  Hydrogen Metabolism  Clostridium-magnum  Temperature-change  Wetland Soil  Paddy Soil  16s Rdna  
The structure of the bacterial and archaeal community in a biogas digester as revealed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and 16S rDNA sequencing analysis 共享期刊论文
Liu, F. H.; Wang, S. B.; Zhang, J. S.; Zhang, J.; Yan, X.; Zhou, H. K.; Zhao, G. P.; Zhou, Z. H.
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Propionate-degrading Bacterium  Rate Anaerobic Bioreactor  Chain Fatty-acids  Microbial Community  Ribosomal-rna  Phylogenetic Diversity  Methanogenic Archaea  Reactor Performance  Storage Pits  Waste-water