限定条件 ((语种:英语) AND (资助机构:Taishan Scholar Project Special Funding) AND (文献类型:期刊论文) AND (专题:中国科学院海岸带环境过程与生态修复重点实验室))
Taishan Scholar Proj 27 National Natural Sci 17 National Nature Scie 5
Natural Science Foun 4 Natural Science Foun 4 Research Initiation 4
Science and Technolo 4 Chinese Academy of S 3 Science and Technolo 3
science and technolo 3 Department of Scienc 2 Fundamental Research 2
National Demonstrati 2 Natural Science Foun 2 Program of Youth Inn 2
Science and Technolo 2 Shandong Peninsula E 2 Binzhou Medical Univ 1
Department of Scienc 1 Foundation of Labora 1