斑马鱼报警物质分子结构及其诱导的行为和生理响应研究 | |
李亚茜 | |
Subtype | 博士 |
Thesis Advisor | 李可 |
2023-05-23 | |
Training institution | 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所 |
Degree Grantor | 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所 |
Degree Discipline | 海洋化学 |
Keyword | 报警信息素,行为反应,生理响应,代谢通路,性别差异 |
Abstract | 化学报警物质在水生生物捕食系统中发挥重要的化学生态作用。水生动物借助通过水传播的化学信号来评估被捕食的风险,并作出躲避或逃跑的行为反应。当鱼类个体被捕食者攻击时从皮肤释放报警物质。同种个体利用特定的化学感受器感知捕食信号,由此引发本能的行为反应,表现为冲撞、逃避和呆滞等。鱼类的化学报警系统对种群的生存能力及适应性具有深远意义。在鱼类研究中,报警物质诱发反捕食行为及生理响应现象已经探明,然而对报警物质的化学性质、作用原理仍然不清楚。已有研究表明,斑马鱼 (Danio rerio) 对同种个体释放的报警物质产生强烈的反捕食行为反应。斑马鱼作为脊椎动物神经生物学和海洋生态毒理学研究的经典模型,探索引起斑马鱼反捕食行为的报警信息物质化学分子结构及其作用机制有助于定量研究脊椎动物应激行为反应,深入理解海洋游泳动物的反捕食行为与生理机制。 本论文以斑马鱼为研究对象,分离纯化报警物质并解析其化学分子结构、揭示报警物质作用浓度与行为反应的关系、阐明斑马鱼对报警物质的生理响应及作用机理。本研究工作具有一定创新性,研究中建立并验证了多个实验方法:(1) 在研究之初,我们采用新水缸潜水实验模型对斑马鱼报警行为进行了评估,针对报警物质诱发的本能行为反应筛选出可定量评价皮肤所提取报警物质的行为指标:不规则运动,呆滞,沉底和迟疑时间;(2) 借助液质联用技术平台,建立了同时测定斑马鱼中 6 种类固醇激素(皮质醇、睾酮、雄烯二酮、11-脱氧皮质醇、11-脱氧皮质酮、17-羟基黄体酮)的超高效液相色谱质谱联用方法,并对斑马鱼产生报警反应后体内皮质醇的含量进行测定。该方法克服了已有免疫酶联方法容易出现假阳性等问题,具有高灵敏度、快速、准确等特点,为后续准确高效评价斑马鱼个体应激生理响应提供了技术支撑;(3) 建立定量分析方法,对分离获得的报警化合物进行准确分析,精确测定了两种化合物在鱼皮提取液中的浓度,为研究报警物质-行为-生理响应之间的量效关系提供了科学依据。 在此基础上,本论文得出如下结论: 1、从斑马鱼皮肤提取物中分离并鉴定 2 个氧化甾醇硫酸酯类化合物,其中一个为新化合物 (5DS),一个为已知化合物 (5CS)。 对斑马鱼皮肤提取液进行分相萃取,获得石油醚相、乙酸乙酯相和正丁醇相。分别将这 3 种萃取相作为刺激物进行斑马鱼的报警行为试验,结果表明正丁醇相萃取物可以重复斑马鱼粗提物的行为反应。采用液相色谱、柱层析法和薄层层析法等分离技术进一步对正丁醇相进行纯化,得到 2 个化合物。经核磁共振和高分辨质谱等结构鉴定技术方法,确定化合物的化学结构和相对立体构型。正丁醇相鉴定出的 2 个化合物中,一种是新化合物 24-methyl-5α-cholestane3α,7α,12α,24,28-pentahydroxy 28-sulfate,命名为化合物 5DS,另一种为已知化合物 5α-cyprinol sulfate,命名为化合物 5CS。 2、化学物质 5CS 和 5DS 可引起行为反应,其作用浓度阈值分别为 10–10 M和 10–12 M。 通过设置一系列浓度梯度,配制出不同浓度的化合物 5CS 和 5DS 刺激液,记录斑马鱼在不同浓度刺激液下的运动轨迹并进行分析。结果表明,化合物5CS 和 5DS 都能够引起斑马鱼的报警行为反应,且斑马鱼的报警行为反应与报警物质的浓度不呈线性相关关系。报警信息素的作用存在浓度阈值,化合物5CS 的作用浓度阈值为 10–10 M,而化合物 5DS 为 10–12 M,比化合物 5CS 低约2 个数量级。 3、报警物质 5CS 和 5DS 刺激下,斑马鱼的报警行为反应表现出显著的性别差异。 暴露于化合物 5CS 时,雌性斑马鱼表现出更明显的不稳定运动,而雄性斑马鱼则更多表现为呆滞和进入顶部的潜伏时长显著增加。而暴露于化合物 5DS时,雌性在所有 4 种报警行为反应中的表现普遍强于雄性。此外,化合物 5CS和 5DS 在引发斑马鱼的不同报警行为表型方面也具有不同的倾向性和性别差异。对于雌性斑马鱼,化合物 5CS 更容易引起不稳定运动,而化合物 5DS 则倾向于引发呆滞行为。对于雄性斑马鱼,其报警反应在低浓度下(10–12 M)由 5DS 主导,表现为不稳定运动、呆滞和进入顶部的潜伏时长显著高于化合物 5CS;而在较高浓度下(10–10 M),这 3 种行为反应均表现为化合物 5CS 的效果显著优于化合物 5DS,此时主要由 5CS 发挥作用。 4、化合物 5CS 和 5DS 刺激斑马鱼体内皮质醇升高,其作用阈值分别为 10–8M 和 10–10 M,两种化合物的刺激均表现出显著的性别差异。 当化合物 5CS 作为刺激物时,雌鱼和雄鱼体内的皮质醇含量均随化合物5CS 浓度的升高而增加。当化合物 5DS 作为刺激物时,雌鱼仍然保持这一规律,而雄鱼随化合物 5DS 浓度的升高,皮质醇水平先急速升至最大值,当浓度继续上升时,皮质醇含量反而迅速下降。此外,化合物 5CS 的刺激总体上使得雌鱼皮质醇含量普遍高于雄鱼,而化合物 5DS 的刺激则导致雄鱼皮质醇含量普遍高于雌鱼。此外,当两种化合物浓度均为 10–8 M 时,雌性斑马鱼体内皮质醇含量出现显著升高。而雄性斑马鱼在两种化合物浓度均为 10–10 M 时出现显著增加,表明雄性斑马鱼对于压力的感受更敏感。除 10–8 M 时,化合物 5DS 引起雄性斑马鱼体内皮质醇的含量显著高于化合物 5CS 外,其他作用浓度下由化合物 5CS刺激引起的斑马鱼体内皮质醇含量的升高均显著高于化合物 5DS 的刺激,且在 雌、雄斑马鱼中均呈现此规律。 5、化合物 5CS 和 5DS 急性暴露,斑马鱼呈现性别间代谢通路差异。 化合物 5CS 和 5DS 的急性暴露均会影响斑马鱼的代谢。对于化合物 5CS,PCA 和 PLS-DA 分析结果显示,斑马鱼在不同浓度处理组之间的代谢物变化较大;而对于化合物 5DS,浓度的变化对斑马鱼代谢组的影响不明显。通过OPLS-DA 分析和 S-plot 图,可以得出,化合物 5CS 作用时得到的差异代谢物的数量多于化合物 5DS。代谢通路分析结果表明,化合物 5CS 对斑马鱼代谢通路影响的数量多于化合物 5DS,且化合物 5CS 对雌鱼和雄鱼前 5 种代谢通路的影响一致,而化合物 5DS 对斑马鱼代谢通路的影响存在性别差异。化合物 5CS 的暴露对于雌鱼和雄鱼代谢通路的影响分别涉及 16 种和 15 种,影响最大的前 5 种代谢通路均为“亚油酸的代谢”、“磷酸五酯通路”、“缬氨酸、亮氨酸和异亮氨酸的生物合成”、“嘌呤代谢”和“叶酸碳库”。化合物 5DS 的暴露影响雌鱼和雄鱼代谢通路的数量分别为4种和5种,都包括“α-亚麻酸的代谢”、“嘌呤的代谢”、“花生四烯酸的代谢”和“不饱和脂肪酸的生物合成”。不同的是,对于雌鱼影响最大的是“α-亚麻酸的代谢”,而对于雄鱼,影响最大的是“牛磺酸和次牛磺酸的代谢”。 |
Other Abstract | Chemical alarm substances play an important ecological role in aquatic predation systems. Aquatic animals exploit water-borne chemical signals to assess the risk of predation and respond with avoidance or escape behavior. Individual fish release alarm substances from their skin when they are attacked by predators. Conspecific individuals use specific chemoreceptors to recognize predation signals, which trigger instinctive behavioral responses such as darting, avoidance and freezing. The chemical alarm system of fish has profound implications for the survival and adaptability of populations. In fish studies, the phenomenon of anti-predatory behavior and physiological response induced by alarm substances has been demonstrated. However, the chemical nature of the alarm substances and their function mechanisms remain enigmatic. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) have been shown to exhibit potent and diverse anti-predatory behavior in response to alarm substances released by conspecifics. As a classical model for vertebrate neurobiological and marine ecotoxicological research, exploring the chemical molecular structure of the alarm substance that causes anti-predatory behavior in zebrafish and its mechanism can advance the quantification of vertebrate stress behavioral responses and also in-depth understanding of the behavioral and physiological mechanisms of marine swimming animals. Zebrafish is the subject of the study in the thesis. We focused on the bioassay-guided isolation of alarm substances, the elucidation of their chemical molecular structures, relationship between the concentration threshold of alarm substances and behavioral responses, and the physiological response and its mechanism in zebrafish. The present work is innovative, and several experimental methods have been developed and validated in this study. First, at the beginning of the study, we assessed the alarm behavior of zebrafish using a novel tank diving test paradigm and screened for innate behavioral responses induced by alarm substances. The semi-quantitative evaluation of the typical behavioral phenotypes of alarm substances extracted from skin revealed that erratic movements, freezing, bottom and latency duration are significant behavioral indexes. Second, a UPLC-TOF-MS method was developed for simultaneous determination of six steroid hormones (cortisol, testosterone, androstenedione, 11-deoxycortisol, 11-deoxycorticosterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone) in zebrafish. This analytical method has been used for the determination of cortisol in the whole body of zebrafish after acute exposure of alarm substances. The method is highly sensitive, robust and accurate, and which provides technical support for the subsequent accurate and efficient evaluation of the physiological response to stress in zebrafish individuals. The method overcomes the shortcomings and drawbacks of the established enzyme immunoassay, which is prone to false positives. The developed and validated method supports the subsequent accurate and efficient evaluation of the physiological response to stress in zebrafish individuals. Third, a quantitative analytical method was developed to accurately analyze the alarm compounds obtained by isolation, and the concentrations of the two compounds in fish skin extracts were accurately determined. Collectively, the above methods have been developed and validated in zebrafish research, providing a scientific foundation for the study of the relationships among alarm substance, behavioral response, and physiological response quantitatively. The conclusions of this thesis can be drawn as follows: 1. Isolation and identification of two oxysterol sulfates from zebrafish skin extracts, one novel compound trivial named 5DS and one known compound 5α-cyprinol sulfate (5CS). Phase extraction of zebrafish skin extracts obtains petroleum ether phase, ethyl acetate phase, and n-butanol phase. The three extraction phases were used as stimuli for alarm behavior assays, respectively. The results showed that the n-butanol phase extract could replicate the behavioral response of the crude skin extract of zebrafish. The n-butanol phase was further purified by liquid chromatography, column chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography to obtain two compounds. Elucidation of the chemical structure and relative configuration of compounds by spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques such as NMR and high-resolution mass spectrometry. Of the two compounds identified in the n-butanol phase, one is the novel compound 24-methyl-5α-cholestane-3α,7α,12α,24,28-pentahydroxy 28-sulfate, trivially named 5DS, and the other is the known compound 5α-cyprinol sulfate, denoted as 5CS. 2. The compounds 5CS and 5DS can cause behavioral responses with concentration thresholds of 10–10 M and 10–12 M, respectively. Different concentrations of compound 5CS and 5DS stimulating solutions were prepared, and the movement trajectories of zebrafish under those stimulating solutions were recorded and analyzed. The results showed that both compounds 5CS and 5DS were able to elicit an alarm behavioral response in zebrafish, and that the alarm behavioral response in zebrafish did not show a linear correlation with the concentration of the alarm substance. There was a concentration threshold for the action of the alarm pheromone, which was 10–10 M for 5CS and 10–12 M for 5DS. Compound 5DS shows a two-orders of magnitude lower than compound 5CS. 3. The alarm behavioral responses of zebrafish stimulated by the compounds 5CS and 5DS showed significant sex differences. When exposed to compound 5CS, female zebrafish showed more pronounced erratic movements, while males showed more freezing and a significant increase in the latency to the top. In contrast, when exposed to compound 5DS, females generally performed better than males in all four alarm behavior responses. In addition, compounds 5CS and 5DS have different propensities and sex differences for triggering different alarm behavior phenotypes in zebrafish. In female zebrafish, compound 5CS is more likely to induce erratic movements, while compound 5DS tends to trigger freezing behavior. For male zebrafish, the alarm response was dominated by 5DS at low concentrations (10–12 M), showing significantly higher exposure effects for compound 5DS than compound 5CS for erratic movements, freezing and latency to the top. While at higher concentrations (10–10 M), all three behavioral responses showed compound 5CS was significantly more effective than compound 5DS, when it was mainly 5CS that acted. 4. The acute exposure to compounds 5CS and 5DS elevated cortisol in zebrafish with thresholds of 10–8 M and 10–10 M respectively, and both compounds showed significant sex differences. When compound 5CS was used as a stimulant, cortisol levels increased with increasing concentrations of compound 5CS in both female and male fish. This pattern was maintained in females when compound 5DS was used as the stimulant. In males, cortisol levels rose sharply to a maximum with increasing concentrations of compound 5DS and then fell rapidly when concentrations continued to rise. In conclusion, stimulation with compound 5CS resulted in generally higher cortisol levels in females than in males overall, whereas stimulation with compound 5DS resulted in generally higher cortisol levels in males than in females. In addition, cortisol levels in female zebrafish showed a significant increase at concentrations of 10–8 M for both compounds. In contrast, male zebrafish showed a significant increase at concentrations of 10–10 M for both compounds, indicating that male zebrafish are more sensitive to the perception of stress. Except for 10–8 M, the content of cortisol in male zebrafish caused by compound 5DS was significantly higher than that of compound 5CS, the cortisol levels in zebrafish stimulated by compound 5CS were significantly higher than those stimulated by compound 5DS at all other concentrations. And this pattern was shown in both female and male zebrafish. 5. Acute exposure to compounds 5CS and 5DS, zebrafish show metabolic pathway differences with regard to sex. Acute exposure to compounds 5CS and 5DS can both affect zebrafish metabolism. For compound 5CS, PCA and PLS-DA analyses showed that zebrafish metabolites varied more between treatment groups at different concentrations. While for compound 5DS, changes in concentration did not have a significant effect on the zebrafish metabolome. By OPLS-DA and S-plot analysis, it can be concluded that the number of differential metabolites obtained when compound 5CS acts is greater than that of compound 5DS. The results of the metabolic pathway analysis showed that compound 5CS affected more metabolic pathways in zebrafish than compound 5DS. The top five metabolic pathways affected by 5CS were the same in females and males, while there were gender differences in the effects of compound 5DS. The effects of compound 5CS exposure on metabolic pathways in female and male fish involved 16 and 15 pathways, respectively, with the top five most influential pathways all being linoleic acid metabolism, pentose phosphate pathway, valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis, purine metabolism and one carbon pool by folate. Exposure to compound 5DS affected four and five metabolic pathways in female and male fish, respectively, including alpha-linolenic acid metabolism, purine metabolism, arachidonic acid metabolism and biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids. The difference is that for female fish, the most important effect is on the metabolism of alpha-linolenic acid, while for male fish the most important effect is on the metabolism of taurine and hypotaurine. |
Pages | 1-144 |
Language | 中文 |
Document Type | 学位论文 |
Identifier | http://ir.yic.ac.cn/handle/133337/32047 |
Collection | 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所知识产出_学位论文 |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | 李亚茜. 斑马鱼报警物质分子结构及其诱导的行为和生理响应研究[D]. 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所,2023. |
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