关键词环渤海 海岸线 遥感 变迁
摘要海岸线不仅标识了沿海地区的水陆分界线,而且蕴含着丰富的环境信息,其变化直接改变潮间带滩涂资源量及海岸带环境,可引起海岸带多种资源与生态过程的改变。进入21世纪以来,环渤海新一轮沿岸开发的快速发展进一步加大了该地区的海洋环境压力。因此,迫切需要从环渤海的整体出发,掌握环渤海海岸线的现状和变迁情况,形成基于生态系统的环渤海区域海岸线变迁监测的关键技术体系,实现对环渤海海岸线剧烈变迁区域的有效监测和评估,并为环渤海海岸线的开发与保护提出对策建议。本文使用遥感与地理信息系统相结合的方法,提取了 2000年、2005年、2010 年和 2012年共4期环渤海海岸线,对新世纪以来环渤海海岸线时空变化进行了系统的分析。主要研究内容包括:(1)依据海岸带物质组成、海岸功能区划和开发方式等建立了环渤海海岸线的分类体系;基于本文所使用的覆盖环渤海的Landsat-7 ETM+和HJ-1 CCD影像,分别建立了环渤海各种海岸线类型的解译标志和判绘的原则;(2)针对卫星数据源在提取海岸带自然岸线中的不足,发展了一种基于机载LiDAR数据和潮汐推算的海岸带自然岸线提取方法。该方法基于航空正射影像解译瞬时水边线,应用LiDAR系统提取的DEM和建立的高程系统转换模型,通过精密潮汐数据推算研究区域的海岸线。经过与“908专项”航空遥感调查岸线结果比对,本文所提取的三种自然岸线(砂质岸线、基岩岸线和淤泥质岸线)的均方根误差分别为1.3m、5.0m和35.0m。结果表明,该方法能够有效的提取砂质岸线和基岩岸线,且无需开展现场测量,可提高海岸线提取的效率;基于推算岸线对本文通过目视解译方法提取的环渤海海岸带自然岸线进行精度验证,砂质岸线和基岩岸线的位置平均偏差均在1个像素宽度内,淤泥质岸线的提取精度较差,平均误差为87.0m。(3)系统分析了环渤海2000年、2005年、2010年和2012年4期海岸线的时空分布状况。其中,环渤海沿海三省一市海岸线各时期长度由高到低依次为辽宁省、山东省、河北省和天津市;三大海湾中,辽东湾海岸线长度一直居首位,渤海湾次之,莱州湾各时期海岸线长度均最短。海岸线各类型中,养殖围堤长度一直居首位;基岩岸线和砂质岸线在辽宁省分布最多;淤泥质岸线2000年和2005年在辽宁省分布最多,而在2010年和2012年淤泥质岸线分布最多的省份为山东省;盐田围堤在辽宁省的分布一直最多,且所占比重连续增大;养殖围堤较多分布在辽宁、山东两省,而港口岸线主要分布在河北省和天津市;(4)基于4个时相环渤海海岸线分布,统计了环渤海海岸线的变迁状况,分析了环渤海海岸线的变化规律。其中,2000年至2012年,环渤海海岸线长度连续递增,由2000年的3128.8km增长为2012年的3627.5km,平均增速41.6km/a。各时间段内,2010至2012年海岸线增速最高,为108.3km/a;自然岸线的长度基本呈现连续减少的状态,而人工岸线则与之相反,12年间长度连续增长;环渤海海岸线在2000至2012年间整体向海推进,比较明显的后退现象出现在2005至2010年间黄河口区域;12年间环渤海大陆岸线变迁导致海岸带陆地面积净增2126.83 km2,平均增速为177.24 km2/a;环渤海岸线类型之间的转化主要是自然岸线向人工岸线转化以及人工岸线中的养殖围堤和盐田围堤向港口岸线和建设围堤转化。(5)在系统分析21世纪以来环渤海海岸线变迁的基础上,从自然因素和人为因素两方面总结出环渤海海岸线变迁的原因。其中人为因素主要包括养殖池塘和盐田的扩建、港口码头的建设和城镇化建设;自然因素则包括河流改道、来水来沙量变化、波浪、潮汐和风暴潮等。最后针对导致海岸线变迁的各种因素,为环渤海海岸线的管理提出了相应的对策与建议。
其他摘要Coastline is the ocean-land indicator and contains abundant environmental information. Its changes directly influences the environment and resource of tideland, which could cause many types of alternation of coastal resource and eco-processes. Since the beginning of 21st century, a new round of rapid development of Bohai Rim further bears pressure on local marine environment. Thus, it is of urgent importance to be acquainted with the current status and change of the coastline of Bohai Rim as a whole, to establish the key technical system of monitoring the change of coastline base on ecosystem, to achieve effective supervison and evaluation of areas experiencing dramatic change and to provide suggestion for coastline exploitation and protection. Base on extraction of the coastline of Bohai Rim of 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2012 by means of RS and GIS, this paper systematcally analyzes the spatial and temporal change of coastline of Bohai Rim. The main research work includes:(1) Defining the classification system of Bohai Rim coastline according to coast material composition, coast function zoing and development model. Indicators for each coastline type and rules for visual interpretation are established based on landsat-7 ETM+ and HJ CCD imageries;(2) In the light of the difficulties during extraction of natural coastline with satellite data, proposing a new method based on Airborne LiDAR Data and Tidal Estimation. By employing this method, instantaneous water edge is firstly extracted from ortho-rectified images acquired by airborne LiDAR system. Coastline of study area is estimated through tidal data, by utilizing inter-conversion model of elevation system and DEM retrieved by airborne LiDAR system. Compared with “908 coastline”, the RMSE of 3 types of natural coastline (sandy coastline, rocky coastline and silty coastline) extracted in this paper is 1.7m, 5.2m and 32.5m, individually. Results show that the method established in this paper is efficient and capable of extracting sandy coastline and rocky coastline, without the need of field mapping; Based on the estimated coastline, the interpreted Bohai Rim coastline is verified and the average RMSE of rocky coastline and sandy coastline is within one pixel width of satellite image. However, the accuracy of silty coastline is 70.5m, which is relatively unsatisfactory;(3) Systematically analyzing the spatial-temporal distribution of Bohai Rim coastline of 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2012. From long to short, the length of coastline of 3 coastal provinces and 1 city is Liaoning province, Shandong province, Hebei province and Tianjin City; Among the three bays, Liaodong Bay’s coastline is the longest, followed by Bohai Bay and Laizhou Bay. As to all the coastline types, the breeding coastline is always the longest during the whole period and estuary coastline is the shortest. Liaoning Province possesses most Rocky coastline and sandy coastline. Silty coastline distributed mainly in Liaoning Province in 2000 and 2005, but in 2010 and 2012 it is mainly occupied by Shandong Province; Liaoning Province possesses most of saline coastline and the percentage is keeping increasing. Breeding coastline spreads mainly in Liaoning and Shandong Province, while harbor coastline distribute mainly in Hebei Province and Tianjin City; (4) Counting the change of Bohai Rim coastline and analyzing the change regulation based on its distribution. Bohai Rim coastline kept lengthening in 12 years from 3128.8km in 2000 to 3627.5km in 2012, with average speed of 41.6km/a. In each time scale, the speed of increase is highest during 2010 to 2012, with average speed of 108.3km/a. Natural coastline kept shortening and to the contrary, anthropogenic coastline is lengthening during 12 years. Bohai Rim coastline is entirely advancing towards the sea and significant withdrawing happens in Yellow River Estuary. Net accretion of Bohai Rim coastal land area caused by change of coastline is 2126.83 km2with average speed of 177.24 km2/a. Changes of coastline types include transformations from natural coastline to anthropogenic coastline and from breeding and saline coastline to harbor and construction coastline. (5) Based on systematical analysis of the change status of Bohai RIM coastline since 21st centurysummarizing change reasons from the aspect of natural and anthropogenic factors. Thereinto, natural factors include change of river course, water and sediment variation, waves, tides and storm surges; anthropogenic factors consists of construction and extension of aquaculture ponds, saline, port, habor and Urbanization. Finally, pointing at the causes mentioned above, this paper provides relevant suggestions and strategies for Bohai Rim coastline management.
GB/T 7714
倪绍起. 21世纪以来环渤海海岸线遥感变迁研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2013.
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